What is Functional Medicine and how does it differ from regular Western Medicine?

I think it’s helpful to imagine our bodies like a garden or crop.

The standard Western Medicine approach is to identify diseases after the symptoms are already present and to treat them with pharmaceuticals. Much like identifying a pest (symptom) or insect damaging the garden and then spraying it with chemicals. The chemicals may help get rid of the pest, but it also ends up affecting other parts of the ecosystem of the garden. Which can result in other pests or symptoms popping up. This becomes a vicious cycle of “chasing” pests instead of fortifying the garden and creating resistance to disease or pests.

The Functional Medicine approach works to strengthen the entire system, improve the soil itself, keep pests away holistically, and pull the weeds of disease up by the roots. We work together as a team to promote a healthier garden, and a healthier you, for the long-term. 

What do you mean by treating “root causes” of disease?

Root causes of disease in Functional Medicine include (but not limited to):

  1. Gut dysfunction and microbiome imbalances

  2. Autoimmune system activation and Chronic Inflammation

  3. Hormone imbalances

  4. Stress, poor nutrition, sleep, lack of exercise.

  5. Genetics and Epigenetics

  6. Environmental Exposures and Toxins

  7. Chronic infections

So what kinds of conditions can you treat?

Anyone interested in prevention of chronic conditions, facing current chronic diseases, or have seen conventional medicine providers without getting better or the answers they need. Conditions Included but not limited to:

  1. Autoimmune issues

  2. Digestive issues -ibs, colitis, crohn’s, reflux, bloating, cramping.

  3. Fatigue, brain fog,

  4. Chronic pain & headaches

  5. Thyroid- hypothyroid, Hashimotos

  6. Anxiety, stress, depression

  7. Female/male hormone imbalances

  8. Food and environmental sensitivities

  9. Blood sugar imbalances, diabetes,

  10. Long haul covid.

Appointment Scheduling: Minneapolis 612-863-3333

We do take insurance.